Brand & Accolades

xchangeExceptional resources are available to help you manage your firm's referral activities, including RELO® Xchange, LeadingRE’s proprietary referral management database.

Policies and ProceduresLogin using your username and Xchange password provided to you in your initial email. (If you do not have your password, email   Note: Once you have logged in for the first time, it will be seamlessly integrated with your OUR WORLD™ password.

To learn more about how to place a referral using RELO® Xchange, you can register for the next available group training, or request a one-on-one training by contacting Tracy Vallejo,, 800.621.6510 x111.

Click here to download LeadingRE’s Policy & Procedures manual – your guide to understanding LeadingRE’s referral procedures and member requirements. 

Please review the following fifteen minute videos. They are extremely beneficial to you and anyone on your team that is handling referral business within your company. If you don’t have time to watch both now, please review the Policy & Procedure video, as it covers commonly misunderstood policies that could help your company avoid costly referral disputes.

For an overview of the Network's relocation policy and procedures, click here.

For an overview of reporting and referral production goals, click here.