
LeadingRE.comThis consumer-facing property search website features listings from members of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World®. Features of this site include:

  • Mobile version of the site, integrating property search
  • Property detail landing pages with listing detail and photos
  • Google map search and mapping
  • Consumer-submitted community chatter
  • LeadingRE.com3,000+ real estate articles
  • Open house information

These useful online resources draw home buyers by the thousands every day from popular search engines. You have three options to send listings for display on LeadingRE.com:

  1. Create a file using our feed specifications found here.

  2. Use ListHub.com to aggregate your listings from your MLS for display on LeadingRE.com. Click here for directions on how to get started.

  3. Send your listings using our "Listings Light" process.
    Click here
    for more details.